Pegasus Simulator

Autopilot Architecture

To use the Pegasus GNC code with the Pegasus Simulator, start by following the installation instructions in Installation page. After this step:

1. Follow the installation instructions for the Pegasus Simulator in the Pegasus Simulator Documentation. An NVIDIA RTX graphics card is required to run the simulator.

  1. On the Pegasus workspace, clone the following repository:

    # Go to the src folder of the Pegasus workspace
    cd ~/pegasus_ws/src
    # Clone the repository that contains the launch files to launch both the Pegasus GNC code and the Pegasus Simulator in the same environment
    git clone
    # Compile the code
    cd ~/pegasus_ws
    colcon build --symlink-install
    # Source the workspace
    source ~/pegasus_ws/install/setup.bash
  2. To run an experiment:

    # Launch the Pegasus GNC code and the Pegasus Simulator
    ros2 launch pegasus_isaac