
PX4-Autopilot 1.14.3 Ubuntu 22.04 ROS 2 Humble

Start by installing ROS 2 Humble by following the instructions on the ROS 2 Humble Documentation. Only after you have installed ROS 2, you can proceed with the installation of Pegasus.

Installing External Dependencies

  1. Create a separate workspace for the Pegasus external dependencies, such that you only need to compile them once:

    mkdir -p ~/pegasus_external
    cd ~/pegasus_external
    # Install the dependencies for CasADi (IPOPT)
    sudo apt install coinor-libipopt-dev python3-pip
  2. Clone the Pegasus External:

    # Clone the repository (SSH)
    git clone src
    # Compile the code
    colcon build --symlink-install
  3. Source the workspace in the .bashrc file:

    echo "source ~/pegasus_external/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Installing Pegasus

  1. Create a separate workspace that will contain the actual Pegasus code:

    # Create the workspace
    mkdir -p ~/pegasus/src
    cd ~/pegasus/src
    # Clone the repository (SSH)
    git clone --recursive
  2. Compile the code:

    # Go to the workspace
    cd ~/pegasus
    # Compile the code
    colcon build --symlink-install
  3. Source the workspace in the .bashrc file:

    echo "source ~/pegasus/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Running Simulations with Pegasus

  • In order to run gazebo clasic simulations with the Pegasus, proceed to the page Gazebo Classic.

  • To run simulations with the Pegasus Simulator (Isaac Sim), proceed to the page Pegasus Simulator.

Running Real Flight with Pegasus

  • Setup the Pegasus drone by following the instructions on the Pegasus Drone page.

  • Setup the Kopis drone by following the instructions on the Kopis Drone page.