
A controller computes the control inputs for the vehicle to track a desired trajectory given an estimated state of the vehicle. The controller can be used by all the autopilot modes to compute the control inputs for the vehicle.

If you want to prototype a new controller to be used only for following a specific trajectory, then it might make sense to implement it as a mode rather than a controller that is used by all the other available modes.

This page is structured as follows:

  • Section Controller Interface details the interface that a controller must implement to be used by the autopilot.

  • Section PID Controller details the mathematical background for the PID controller that is implemented in the Pegasus Autopilot.

  • Section Mellinger Controller details the mathematical background for the Mellinger controller that is implemented in the Pegasus Autopilot.

  • Section Adding a Custom Controller details how to add a custom controller to the autopilot.

Controllers Page Index: